Cool Features We Take For Granted
I like to believe that we are doing something relevant to help people in business now, and at the same time developing new ideas that will help them in the future. Here's my problem, "Companies Don't Know What They Have", Infectious Greed, Paul writes, "One of the more bizarre phenonema in technology companies is when entrepreneurs and founders become so immersed in what they have that they don't know what they have. Put differently, sometimes founders don't realize that the cheap hack they did a year ago is much more interesting than the thing they are spending millions on." We're not spending millions, but we are spending precious time.
I am writing about this because I read Steve Rubel's post, Adds New Navigation Schemes. Steve, " Even better, you can then layer on a "tag cloud" to either sorting. So, for example, you can sort your bookmarks alphabetically, but also view it as a visual metaphor as well - e.g. the larger the tag, the more prevalent it is in your bookmark database." I believe Steve is way ahead of the blogger-user curve and was surprised to see that these features are just now getting mentioned considering that we have been doing them for almost a year.
Another hack we take for granted is the ability for multiple users to edit a post/document and keep track of all the revisions. Since we use Ideascape internally for idea development and management, we believe any new features/functions will also benefit our customers as much as they benefit us. Also, keep in mind that Ideascape is for group blogs and not hobby type blog software. One more hack we take for granted - A Bad, Bad, Sign by Stowe Boyd has a short post on trackback spam; we have built in spam protection for trackbacks and comments that any non-techie can use.
Last week, Mike Pollock from SavvySoloCast talked with me about the development of Ideascape. You can catch the Discussion With Software Consultant Jim Wilde. What's more, Mike has several other podcast interviews with people like Professional Coach Patsi Krakoff, Patrick Misterovich, who's in the process of developing a Pez mp3 player, Allen Hunkin of and more.