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Creative Consumers are Everywhere

The guys over at Influx have a good piece on open innovation and getting the customer involved. It is a two-part series packed with great ideas.

"The rise of  the creative consumer (part one)  and (part two)  -  Consumers now have the opportunity to be more creative and participatory in the marketing, media and entertainment worlds, Influx thought it would make sense to catalog some of the stories, a short history, that highlights this trend and identifies a few examples of the opportunities that exist for consumers to participate. "

PSFK pulled together a several other sources into a comprehensive piece about the "Hyper Users Cometh".

Participate! There are many ways and tools we can use (today) to get in the game. Look at these people/companies who have it all figured out and are playing hard:  Joseph Jaffe's Tiger Woods Ad, 6 Pack TV's Design Your Own Ad, Converse Gallery, Ruffles Chips Ad, Core 77 Timex Winners, KTF Design A Phone Contest, Ikea's fiffigafolket contest, Jones Soda, Kaiser Beer, Sumo Salad Baby Recipe Contest , JPG Magazine and Wikipedia.