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Expertly filtering the wisdom of crowds

filtering ideasMost of these social software technologies, at least the ones we set up, use tags (think tag clouds), folksonomies, taxonomies, , voting, reviews, recommendations, and search. This makes it quick and easy for experts as well as cross-collaboration teams to quickly and easily filter through ideas.

"can the crowd replace the expert?" from InfluxInsights by Ed Cotton.

"Companies are already tapping into the wisdom of their crowds of employees and consumers hoping for gems that challenge the experts.

However, it's one thing to facilitate and collect all the input and its quite another to make that input great.

Collection alone is not enough, there needs to be another level added to the process.

This could happen if small teams cross-collaborate to make the initial ideas better, or if real experts are brought in and thrown into the crowd to extract and facilitate.

This challenge is the same for ad agencies, as they demand creative thinking from every employee, rather than just those with the word creative in their job title.

The old-fashioned brainstorming session might not be long for this world, real collaboration requires new processes, new skills and new tools and