Featherweight CMS is for the birds
From common craft, Lee LeFever - DeathMatch: Bad, Bad Leroy Blog vs. Mean Mr. Message Board is a superficial comparison of hobby or featherweight software for blogs/forums/wikis/email. Mostly though it's about old technology and does not reflect state of the art. "Some say Leroy blog is overrated and we’ll see his bubble burst soon. To get here, he went head-to-head with Evil Email Newsletter and the formidable Dirty, Dirty Diary. This will be a test for the upstart."
Blogs can have links but forums don't - false - we do
Blogs have rss, forums don't - false - we do, every posted in Ideascape is rss/xml enabled
Blogs don't have threaded discussions - false - we do
Blogs are for individuals - true if it is only one person posting but for group blogs Ideascape has version control that lets individuals work on the same post. What's more, in larger groups all the blogs are tied together using a common repository that supports taxonomies, tagging, etc.
Forums get out of control - false - most forums have a leader or moderator and so can blogs
Forums are closed and not visible on the net - false - depending on the topic, but that applies to blogs as well, we provide fine grained security features on all content.
Thanks to Heather Green, BusinessWeek for the tip. And the Winner is...