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Half Naked

WOW! Kathy from headrush is on a roll. She has a post on "Context matters". ..."Context plays a more fundamental role for Asians than for westerners. Asians have a more difficult time thinking of an object as completely separate from its background." To demonstrate her point, Kathy shows us a picture of a cow with no background and then a second one of a cow with the landscape in it.

This concept has always rewarded me. I know that for me, (AD/HD Dyslexic) to learn, I need that background. I have a difficult time focusing on a single aspect or one object; my mind wanders a lot, I forget, and I have happy feet. So, the more context I have available to keep myself stimulated, the more engaged I become, the more I learn, and the more I produce. I won't bore you with the details of learning in a traditional environment - but suffice it to say that it was painfully agonizing for everybody. Caveat Here's a link to some well known people along with their stories that have the same disorders.

Funny how things change. I am not alone anymore. In an ever-increasing competitive environment, we all need that context and meaning to make sense of our ideas, thoughts, and feelings. "...process information multidimensionally rather than in linear form. ...view the endgame before others do”. Diane Swonk

A week ago or so I wrote about One Ideascape and what Amy Gahram from Contentious was discovering (Ideascaping) using and Furl. What's interesting here is that more and more people are not only creating, contributing, and sharing great content on the Net but they are really starting to get the BIG picture! Where lots of little ideas from EVERYWHERE can be woven together to form a rich tapestry to create new businesses, products, services, processes, medicines, and careers. How do you flesh out your ideas in this busy world? What helps you put them into context?

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