Lame broadband comnnectivity
Calling All Luddites, Tom Friedman, NYTimes on lame broadband comnnectivity in the US. Businesses need to start applying some heat on Congress to fix these pathetic services.
But don't worry - Congress is on the case. It dropped everything last week to pass a bill to protect gun makers from shooting victims' lawsuits. The fact that the U.S. has fallen to 16th in the world in broadband connectivity aroused no interest. Look, I don't even like cellphones, but this is not about gadgets. The world is moving to an Internet-based platform for commerce, education, innovation and entertainment. Wealth and productivity will go to those countries or companies that get more of their innovators, educators, students, workers and suppliers connected to this platform via computers, phones and P.D.A.'s.
The problems go so much deeper than broadband connections. I wrote about the lack of information culture in businesses, but you might as well consider every organization, public and private, having it too.