Monitor the Blogosphere
"How Technorati hopes to market its treasure trove of data itm collects on millions of blogs to corporations, exposing the relaxed intimacy of online conversations. It's all part of a growing ecosystem of companies hoping to profit handsomely from the work of bloggers.""
Employees blog!

"We humans want to believe in our own species. And we want people, companies and products in our lives that make it easier to do so. That is human nature.
Product benefit doesn't excite us. Belief in humanity and human potential excites us.
Think less about what your product does, and think more about human potential.
What statement about humanity does your product make?"
"The hardest part of a CEO's job is sharing his enthusiasm with his colleagues, especially when a lot of them are making one-fiftieth of what he is. Selling the company to the general public is a piece of cake compared to selling it to the actual people who work for it. The future of advertising is internal."
You have the cluetrain and the hughtrain,now you can buy a ticket, Ideascape to get on board.
The cluetrain,"A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter—and getting smarter faster than most companies."
People everywhere have mind-boggling ideas and compelling stories to tell...
really want to improve themselves, their jobs, the world. Ideascape makes it easy for them to give voice to their crazy ideas and share their iridescent stories with others using enterprise social software - blogs, forums, chat, podcasts, wikis, and, private-messaging.
In bizspeak, Advancing Insights' services and tools connect employee wisdom with business strategies to create, innovate, and adapt offerings, processes, and skills, which prevents lost opportunities and the loss of talented people to better-positioned, more-interesting organizations.