Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...
Attention has been getting a lot of attention these days. Seriously! In this "Attention Economy", what we're all looking for is simply attention. We chat via IM, text messaging, email, blogs, etc. What are we really doing though? Aren't these really attention exchanges? As my partner, Jim, so deftly calls them, they're reacharounds. I'm not going to go into exactly what he's comparing them to, but essentially, you scratch my back, I"ll scratch yours is what it all boils down to. When we ask someone "How are you? Do we really want to know? How many times have you seen someone you work with every day and answered, "Im good, and you" before they've really even asked. It's an automatic...Anyway, I digress.
How do we GET attention is what I want to write about today. I was reading Seth's blog post about not judging a book by it's cover; apparently he does practice what he preaches, because his earlier post was discussing a book that has a truly awful cover, yet whose content Seth seems to find value in; I'll have to check it out.
One truth I know, is that RIGHT NOW I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION. What should I do with this valuable commodity? Well, what I'd love to do with it is to ask you to mention this blog and our product, IDEASCAPE to one person you know who has a business in need of our services but other than that, what I'd like to do is give you something of value in return for your attention. I want to give you a reacharound. So, leave me a comment and let me know who you are, so I can come read what you're about. Isn't the very act of reading/listening to someone the ultimate compliment? How many times have you met someone who really listened to you? I don't know about you, but I think that having someone's full attention, being thoroughly listened to is probably one of the most gratifying experiences I've ever had. THANK YOU!