Understanding the AHA Moment!
Understanding 'Aha!': from mindhacks - "According to Edward Bowden and colleagues writing in the latest issue of Trends in Cognitive Sciences, insight is achieved via the right-hemisphere (cf. Hack #69 ) which “engages in relatively coarse semantic coding, and is therefore more likely to maintain diffuse activation of alternative meanings, distant associations and solution-relevant concepts”. Unfortunately, by its nature this diffuse activation is often weak and beyond conscious reach of the struggling thinker."
Hum, “engages in relatively coarse semantic coding, and is therefore more likely to maintain diffuse activation of alternative meanings, distant associations and solution-relevant concepts”
Did I mention that I like my tags soupy and fluid? Oh yeah, with aboutness, too. Ideascaping, Ideascaping, Ideascaping to get that 'aha' moment every day!
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