Web 2.0 and Social Networking to the Classroom
From IBM, "IBM and The University of Arizona Bring Web 2.0 and Social Networking to the Classroom ".
The analyst firm Gartner Group predicts that by 2008, the majority of Global 1,000 companies will quickly adopt several technology-related aspects of Web 2.0 to advance their businesses. As companies increase their reliance on new Web-based technologies to capitalize on new business opportunities, the industry is showing greater demand for technology experts who can build and manage Web 2.0 resources including wikis, blogs, user groups and forums.
The growing use of social and community systems in businesses to support customers, users, and the general public, is creating a demand for the job role of a "community manager."
Advancing Insights is way ahead of the curve in providing social networking software tools and services.
We Provide Professional Services and Social Software Tools:
- Community Building with an emphasis on connecting people, collaboration among members, and creating mashups of people/ideas/things), as well as achieving adoption, and community management. See Community Management.
- Improving Business Processes - We use Open API's and web services to connect to other applications (sales, marketing, HR, call-center, R&D, etc., and other social networks) These API's and services are extremely important. They provide the glue, scale, reach, and flexibility that extend applications (call them mashups) well beyond closed, walled-gardens.
- Social Network Analysis, (integrated module that uses user stats),
- Software customization,
- Training and education - Blogging, Tagging, Bookmarking, RSS - how people work, how work is organized, how work flows.
- Site infrastructure, software support (maintenance and upgrades).
- Migrating Content, Classification, and Microformats.