Web 2.0 at work!

From Erin...
The image of the subway flasher which was captured on a quick-thinking woman's cameraphone has been making the rounds in the media for a few days.
This is an awesome story and a great example of someone keeping a cool head in a scary situation. It's also good to see the 'Big Brother' phenomenon (cameras everywhere you look) working out in the average citizen's favor for once, not to mention the street cred this gives to social networks like Flickr -What do you mean they're useless?! they can solve crimes!
Welcome to web 2.0.
If you think back to last year's tsunami or to more recent events like the London bombings and now hurricane Katrina, people are using social software - flickr, technorati, blogs, wikis, and social networks - to get real-time information about people, places, and things.
We are all journalists today - anyone can report on anything. We can tag our posts, images, and podcasts and let them fly on the Net. They become available immediately to one person or to millions. The Net is friendly. People who post are reaching out and sharing their ideas and information - inviting us all to participate and to contribute.
Depending on where you stand, for example, flashing people, or trying to do something good - these new tools will change the way we operate as individuals, businesses, organizations, and societies.