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Why Do Good Managers Set Bad Strategies?

Here's an interesting article from Wharton with Michale Porter, the strategy guru. (reg req)

Mr. Porter makes an excellent point with, " is important for everyone in the organization to understand the strategy and align everything they do with that strategy every day." Too bad most employees don't have a clue to what strategy is or how it relates to their daily work activities.

"Why Do Good Managers Set Bad Strategies?

...managers need to develop a clear strategy around their company's unique place in the market.

Years ago, corporate strategy was considered a secret known only by top executives for fear competitors might use the information to their advantage, said Porter. Now it is important for everyone in the organization to understand the strategy and align everything they do with that strategy every day. Openness and clarity even help when coping with competition. "It's good for a competitor to know what the strategy is. The chances are better that the competitor will find something else to be unique at, instead of creating a zero-sum competition.""

Consider using an enterprise level social web application (demo) or social networking software to connect employees on a daily basis to business strategy.